Our goal is to get you to YOUR dream music goal.
We know this program works because it has worked for others and it is the proven steps Dan and many others have taken to be able to write and create songs.
If you follow the steps in the program in the prescribed order, it will work for you.
This guarantees that you will write a song within the first 90 days of using this program or we will give you your money back.
Either the legal definition of a song: a melody with lyrics (words).
A composition definition 1: a melody
A composition definition 2: a melody with chords
Everything You Need: Super Songwriter Success System
This is the entire program:
Prescribed Order
The correct order in which to learn how to write songs as listed here:
Notify And Submit
Notify and submit means to send an email with photos or text to
To receive your money back you must
- Notify us that you intend to activate your guarantee after 70 days but before 90 days from the date of your purchase into the program via a monthly or yearly subscription.
- Complete all steps of all courses, exercises, and workbooks the Prescribed Order within 90 days from the date of your purchase into the program via a monthly or yearly subscription.
- Complete all exercises in all workbooks within 90 days from the date of your purchase into the program a monthly or yearly subscription and submit all pages of both workbooks for review so we can determine what the issue may have been.
- Stay enrolled in this program without missing payment for at least 70 days before beginning or activating the guarantee.